In today's blog post, we will discuss the topic of security and how to make it less intimidating. Oftentimes, when we hear about potential security issues with our devices or online accounts, panic sets in. However, by following a few simple steps, you can enhance your online security and protect yourself effectively. Let's dive into the key measures you can take to safeguard your digital presence.

1 Make a List of Devices and Online Accounts

Begin by creating a comprehensive list of all the devices you own and the online accounts you use, including social media platforms, emails, and websites. This step will help you identify potential areas of vulnerability and focus your efforts on securing them.

2 Research Security Measures for Each Device and Account

Once you have your list, dedicate some time to research the best security practices for each device and online account. For example, most online accounts offer two-factor authentication, which is a highly effective measure against hackers. By enabling this feature, even if someone has your password, they would need access to your phone or another authorized device to gain entry.

3 Leverage Two-Factor Authentication

Two-factor authentication provides an extra layer of security by requiring a secondary code or authorization step, typically sent to your phone or another trusted device, when accessing your accounts. This added step significantly reduces the chances of unauthorized access, even if your password is compromised.

4 Stay Updated with Regular Software Updates

Regularly updating your devices' software is crucial for keeping them secure. Software updates often contain bug fixes, security patches, and enhancements that make it harder for hackers to exploit vulnerabilities. By staying up to date, you reduce the risk of falling victim to known security flaws.

5 Back Up Important Data

Ensure you have a reliable backup system in place, especially for devices that store important data, such as phones or computers. Consider using an air-gapped backup approach, where you disconnect external storage devices like portable hard drives after performing backups. This measure prevents unauthorized access to your backups and protects your data in case of device loss or damage.

6 Conduct Network Scans

To address concerns about unauthorized access to your Wi-Fi network, you can use network scanning apps like Network Analyzer or Fing. These apps help identify devices connected to your network, allowing you to differentiate between trusted and unknown devices. If you notice suspicious devices, you can investigate further or seek assistance from an IT professional to secure your network.

7 Evaluate Evidence and Avoid Overreacting

It's important to base your actions on evidence rather than assumptions. If you suspect a security breach, gather relevant information, such as network scans or router logs, to support your claims. Jumping to conclusions without substantial evidence can lead to unnecessary worry and potentially unnecessary expenses.


In conclusion, while online security may seem daunting, it can be made less scary by implementing a few key measures. By creating a list of your devices and accounts, researching security practices, leveraging two-factor authentication, staying updated with software updates, backing up your data, and conducting network scans, you can significantly enhance your online security. Remember to approach security issues with evidence-based reasoning and seek professional assistance when needed. By following these steps, you can navigate the digital world with confidence and peace of mind.

Thank you for reading, and stay tuned for more informative content in our upcoming posts.

AuthorBrenton Chevin